We provide excellent representation for both buyers and sellers.

In fact, it is important our clients realize that, as former and current business owners, we have been in their shoes. Not only do we have over thirty years of business brokerage experience, but we are also entrepreneurs like you. Having exited several of our businesses we realized we could do it better. We jumped into business brokerage to help others journey through buying and selling businesses.

Hear from our partners and clients

Jessica McKeegan Jensen brings mind and heart to her practice of law. With almost 40 years of experience as an attorney and paralegal, Jess is knowledgeable in more than just one narrow aspect of the law.

Nicholas A. Milner consults with clients on estate planning, business, and real estate transaction matters. Nick understands that these three areas of practice are often intertwined and takes a holistic approach to address clients’ individual needs.

Buyer and seller, Jared and Chris, still maintain a close relationship years after their transaction is complete.

Charles Morningstar brings Kim & Casey together, guiding them through not only the transactional part of a sale, but also the emotional journey.

Tops Solid Surface

Deal Highlights

Wes is really good at his job and I respect that. I’ve met a lot of bad small business brokers when looking out in the market, but from start to finish Wes was a top notch guy. I could always trust what he was saying.”

Forest wilson

New Owner of TopsSolid Surface

Upper Main Street Specialty Trade Manufacturer (TOPS Counter Tops)

Primary Management Operated

Buyer from Outside the Industry and Out of State

Stock Transaction

Assumption of Debt and Specific Liabilities

Completed During the Height of the Covid Pandemic using the SBA 7 a Funding Product

Business Verticals

We Have Experience With

The Highest Level of Business Sales & Aquisition Services